The Truth About 10 Common Background Check Mix-Ups

When:  Sep 15, 2022 from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM (ET)

Even the most seasoned HR professionals might be surprised to learn what they think they know about background screening isn’t entirely accurate. The truth is, separating fact from fiction is sometimes a challenge. And it could affect the decisions made when selecting what goes into your background checks.

In this webinar, we will address the most common screening myths. Using real-life examples and inside research, we will challenge several commonly held beliefs that are used to determine what, how, and why employers use certain checks. Get an in-depth look into configurations and sources. Walk away with new confidence when discussing and making decisions about your screening program.

Join us to get a better grasp on areas that are widely misunderstood. Learn ways misunderstandings might be obstructing your screening and potential changes to cover impacted areas.

Presented by:

Clare Horvik
VP, Marketing, Verified Credentials, LLC

With over 16 years in background screening, Clare Horvik fuels the content development engine of Verified Credentials with strategic insights, unique research and analytics, and target-driven campaigns and events. Clare is a Senior Contributor at Verified Credentials who has led new product releases, developed training and education programs, and is always on the lookout for new ways to share Verified Credentials’ experience with HR professionals. Clare is a published author of Verified Credentials’ blog, experienced speaker at educational events, and knowledgeable content leader – shaping the conversation about background screening and highlighting its business impact.