DE Membership 101: Product Overview

When:  Feb 21, 2019 from 02:00 PM to 02:30 PM (ET)
Whether you’re a current Member, or just starting to explore what membership has to offer, a quick refresher course can go a long way in helping you make the most of your relationship with us. Join Regional VP of Membership Development, Dee Anne Faller, for a quick review of our many products and services, and discover tips and tricks to use our tools in ways that you may never have considered before. Trust us–after 18 years in the industry, we know some things!

In 30 minutes, attendees will explore how:

- Partner Relationship Manager (PRM) can be used to document outreach

- Targeted Job Distribution (TJD) can send emails containing your job listings, directly to your diversity, disability and veteran/military partners

- Analytics can give you pertinent insight such as which of your job titles are being viewed the most

- Other products included in membership can be leveraged in ways you may not have considered