Amidst Historic Federal Investment in Infrastructure, Federal Agency to Explore the Need to Expand Opportunity and Ensure Inclusive Practices to Address Causes and Cures for Discrimination Against Women and Workers of Color in the Construction Sector
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), will host a hearing on May 17 to examine discrimination based on race, national origin, and sex in construction and consider potential solutions to increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the sector.
The hearing, “Knocking Down Walls: Discrimination and Harassment in Construction,” will provide historical, statistical and experiential evidence of race- and sex-based harassment and discrimination that has limited opportunities for Black, Asian, Hispanic, Native American and female workers in construction. The hearing will also explore promising practices to prevent and address systemic discrimination so that historically marginalized workers can contribute to the $1.2 trillion federal effort to improve America’s infrastructure.
- Japlan “Jazz” Allen, Treasurer & Iron Worker, Chicago Women in Trades
- Janel Bailey, Co-Executive Director of Organizing & Programs, Los Angeles Black Workers Center
- James Bobseine, Trial Attorney, EEOC Buffalo Local Office
- David Chincanchan, Policy Director, Workers Defense Project
- Trevor Griffey, Lecturer of U.S. History, UC Irvine
- Nicole Mason, President & CEO, Institute for Women’s Policy Research
- Ken Simonson, Chief Economist, Associated General Contractors of America
- Melissa Wells, Special Assistant to the President for Diversity and Inclusion,North America’s Building Trades Union
- Chris Winters, Military & Tribal Liaison, International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council # 5
- Gary, Iron Worker
WHERE:The hearing will be streamed live on the EEOC’s Official YouTube Page. The meeting will be held as a live-streamed videoconference, with an option for listen-only audio dial-in by telephone. More instructions will be posted on 24 hours before the meeting.