Public Resource Center

20220907 | Interacting with Co-Workers with Disabilities and Avoiding Benevolent Ableism 

09-07-2022 03:37 PM

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A lot of us mean well when we're interacting with our colleagues with disabilities – but sometimes, even our best intentions can be hurtful, exclusionary, or take away independence from others. That's how we fall into benevolent ableism – where our perceived kindness lands the wrong way or is cultural incompetence towards people with disabilities. How do we interact with our coworkers with disabilities respectfully? How do we set boundaries when we want to (or are asked) invasive questions? Join Disability Advocate Haley Moss for a candid discussion about disability etiquette, benevolent ableism, talking about disability respectfully, and disability culture.

Presented by:

Haley Moss
Disability Advocate

Haley Moss was diagnosed with autism when she was three years old. Fast-forward to today, and she is an attorney, author, advocate, artist, and consultant who is passionate about disability inclusion and neurodiversity. Haley takes that passion for helping the world be more inclusive and accessible for people with disabilities and combines it with her personal and professional experiences to bring unique insight and perspective across different professions and settings. Haley is a keynote speaker and educator and loves to speak publicly about her experiences and be in front of a crowd. Her philosophy is that if sharing her story could make a difference in one person’s life, then it was all worth it. In addition to her advocacy work, she is also an adjunct professor at Taylor University in the Psychology department.

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