Public Resource Center

20230726 | Disability Inclusion: Job Descriptions That Work 

07-26-2023 02:15 PM

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“Must be able to lift 50 pounds. Ability to think on your feet. Other duties as assigned.”

Do these phrases sound familiar? Job descriptions sometimes contain language or unnecessary details that discourage qualified applicants from applying, especially people with disabilities. Information that is incomplete or inaccurate may also tell potential applicants that they do not fit within your organization. Join EARN for a one-hour webinar as they explore the critical components of how job descriptions can encourage a diverse applicant pool and communicate a culture of disability inclusion by accurately describing available positions within your organization. This session will explore the creation of accurate and detailed job descriptions, which are the cornerstone of many human resources objectives; sourcing and hiring qualified people, guaranteeing effective performance management, and ensuring compliance with disability laws, labor laws, or collective bargaining agreements.

Presented by:

Jonathan Paul Katz

U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP)

Karen Goss

Employer Assistance Resource and Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN)

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