Public Resource Center

20231212 | Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: Autism is Diversity, Too 

12-12-2023 03:22 PM

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Autism refers to a cluster of observable differences in communication, social behavior, and the need for sameness or repetition. It is a disability in a world where everything has been designed for people with neurotypical brains and bodies, and autistic job seekers find themselves significantly disadvantaged. Unfortunately, few hiring professionals have received the training that would allow them to recognize the talents of those whose communication and social differences place them outside the norm. This results in alarmingly poor employment rates, which is far from the only cost.

Autism Informed Employers (AIE) is a free online employer training course that includes not only effective approaches to interviewing and assessing the abilities of autistic applicants but also suggestions for onboarding, supervision, correction, and other management processes. This presentation will look at some of AIE’s recommendations for employers and provide opportunities for participants to pose any questions they may have about autism and the workplace.

Following this presentation, participants will be able to:

• Understand autism as a disability, a different and valid way of being, and a diversity issue.
• Recognize the reasons for autistic differences seen in interviewees and know multiple appropriate ways to respond.
• Communicate more effectively with autistic job seekers and workers.
• Describe at least 2 of the thinking styles that are prevalent in autistic people and how these can benefit businesses.
• Access unlimited consultations with ISAW staff at no cost by becoming an Autism Informed Employer.


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